Route Planning and Optimization Software

Business benefits


In the modern world the transportation industry is booming, but at the same time it is under scrutiny. Societies examine transportation costs from a lot of different angles. Deliveries have to be fast, reliable, and ecological - to name just a few from the long list of expectations.

Fortunately, the solution is already here. Route planning and optimization software can handle most of the above concerns with just a few clicks. Algorithms used in this kind of software suggest routes that maximize effectiveness. They help reduce vehicle wear-and-tear, fuel consumption, driver working time, and, what’s becoming increasingly important, CO2 emission. Implementing the proper route planning and optimization software can bring nothing other than gain.


We have successfully built smart algorithms for route optimization, thus reducing transportation costs for our clients. But our expertise goes way beyond this obvious use case. We have extensive experience integrating route optimization solutions with ERP, TMS, and WMS systems to create comprehensive software for dispatch center management. Finally, we know how to work with EDI/GS1 data.

A vital part of the system is the mobile app for couriers. It is their way to access the system and provide data about deliveries. Such solutions guarantee that the data in the system is always up to date.

Our experience with route planning and optimization software guarantees that you will not have to waste time seeking the right solution. We know what to implement to ensure your business is operating at maximum efficiency.

Our Route Planning and Optimization Software Case Studies

Tarot Routing Carousel

Tarot Routing

Route Planning and Optimization Software

Tarot Routing uses state-of-the-art algorithms to plan more efficient last-mile driving routes faster than humans can. Customers reduce their driving time by 30%, and of course reduce their CO₂ emissions, petrol consumption, driver salaries and maintenance costs.

case study
Tarot Routing Carousel