Enterprise Software Development

Business benefits


What differentiates humans from other animals is our ability to use tools. In the second decade of the XXI century, tools no longer mean sticks and stones, but one thing remains the same. The right set of tools can facilitate any job. This is the reason enterprise software was invented. It fosters team collaboration and eliminates friction from business processes. Why lose precious time on something that can be automated?

Productivity software smooths workflows and eliminates bottlenecks. It supports transparency by monitoring and displaying task status and progress. When it comes with notifications and a news feed feature, everyone is informed about important issues.

Our expertise in building team collaboration tools allows for complex multi-layered solutions. We know how to combine real-time collaboration features like text chat, file uploads, threads, etc., with more advanced elements like a flexible permission system.


Projects can be easily discussed among management before being shared with the team. For companies working with outside contractors, some parts of the system may be disabled to ensure security.

Our experience in enterprise application development is versatile. We know how to build custom software directly responding to a company's needs. Our skillset also allows us to build SaaS solutions that can be easily configured and suited to the requirements of different clients.

Our Enterprise Software Case Studies

Omnistrat Carousel



Anwendung für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, die den Prozess der jährlichen strategischen Planung und Ausführung dieses Plans vereinfacht. Sie hilft sicherzustellen, dass jeder einzelne Mitarbeiter die Ziele des Unternehmens kennt und motiviert ist, zu deren Erreichung beizutragen.


case study
Omnistrat Carousel