


4Rent connects rental property owners and managers with apartment hunters across Canada

4Rent is an online Real Estate Portal that connects apartment hunters with rental property owners and managers across Canada. The platform can be used for apartment hunting in a selected area, but also for educational purposes thanks to its blog posts and a magazine on flats and lifestyle. It offers a user-centric experience and innovative features that make the rental property search process more efficient, transparent and rewarding.

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Real Estate Software
5 months


Profil Software was presented with the Rental Property Search Software that was very slow and not user-friendly. The main challenge was to redesign it in such a manner that it would become accessible and easily operated, as well as quick, efficient and seamless. It needed to have an accurate map of locations and property listings with prices and verified landlords and property managers. It also needed systems that would track down the prices and alert property hunters about the new properties in their chosen location or changes in prices.Building trust between landlords and tenants is also crucial. Users need assurance that the platform is secure and their interactions are safe.



After the redesign one can create alerts for apartments trending in the chosen location and save leads or send contact information if anything similar shows up or if the price goes down. Users can see how the prices changed during a selected time period. The location map was downloaded and uploaded into a database. To make the application even more user friendly, the platform offers tips on renting places in specific locations and information about various districts in Canada.To ensure that the platform is secure one needs to put in place verification processes for property owners and managers, encourage reviews and rating, and implement secure communication channels.




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